Monday, April 25, 2011

Things Change

When this blog started I thought I was moving to the Middle East and had many mixed emotions on it. Now instead I am moving to Texas, according to the people there it is a whole different country as well but I am not as worried LOL.  I really like where we are moving although I will miss my family a lot.  My mom and other best friend are both going to be too far away to see on a weekly basis.  I will adjust and still plan to come home every month but I know even that will be tough at times. 

I do plan to spend more time on this blog as soon as I move to get things up and rolling.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yesterday, what a day!

The day started out normal enough.  Got the kids up for school and stayed on their cases until it was time to get out the door for the bus stop.  Running a little late and not paying attention I hit a pothole with my front passenger tire, OF COURSE the one that needed changing so it was weak!  So I have a blown tire now.  We will be spending a little more money this week than I thought.

On another topic, my youngest daughter is so funny.  This week she comes to me to ask "Mommy, did I loose a tooth?"  Seems she lost a tooth wither when she was sleeping or eating and never noticed.  This is now 2 teeth lose and neither one has made it to the Tooth Fairy LOL  She wrote a letter to the to the Tooth Fairy in place of it, see what you think...
LOL  she has quite a way with words!

On the job front still no news.  Looks like the Middle East is really getting worse so I am not sure if that area is going to work out.  But a friend shared a message with me yesterday that is really helping me now.  She reminded me to wait on God, we have done what we can and the rest is up to God.  I am going to have to remind myself of this several times a day but so far it is working.  I feel peace that things will happen as they should.  We will go where He wants or stay if he chooses.  

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Waiting and Praying...

It seems as though we have been in limbo for ages.  For years I thought our path in life was set and there would not be many big changes.  This past year has proven me wrong.  My husband left a job of 13 years for what we felt was a better opportunity, only to be laid off when work slowed after 3 months!  Since then we have been talking to several companies and hoped that he had finally found the perfect position for his happiness and future.  Now with the turmoil in Egypt and no word on the position I am having some doubts and really don't know what to think.  He is happier now that he has left old company but has mentioned maybe going back and this scares me.  I don't want my husband to be unhappy and am afraid that he would be there.  BUT this being unemployed is scary as well.  I am telling him to hold off a little longer to see if the informal offer that was made a week ago comes though.  yes it has only been a week but it feels like a year!  Only God knows what is ahead for our future and I have to learn to have more faith.  I was telling my mom that I have faith in what God CAN do but wonder what he WILL do.  That has always been a quandary in my head that I have struggled with.  Is it a lack of faith or patience that I have?  God does what is best for us but sometimes it takes us a long time to see how the path got us to the right place.  I have to remember the prayer:

Lord help me accept the things I can not change
Change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Morning

I am up early to enjoy my coffee before the children are running around making noise but that does not last long.  They of course wake up especially early this morning and are making enough noise to wake the dead.  I have sent them to their room to watch TV (I know bad mom) but I am not a pleasant person until I have at least 2 cups of coffee.

Yesterday my youngest daughter who is 6 came to me to ask if she really lost a tooth!  Seems she lost one of her front teeth and had no idea when or where it went LOL.  The last tooth she lost, she actually lost and we would not find it either.  So I guess she will write a new letter to the tooth fairy apologizing for not having her tooth under her pillow and pleading for mercy and money!

About to get ready for church.  This is something I will miss if/when we move since it is hard to replace your dad as your pastor when he is the best dad in the world.  We have a great church and I will miss many of them when we leave. 

I have very mixed emotions about moving.  I have never been away from my family and that is tough to even consider but staying unemployed is not an option that we can live with and this opportunity could be an great career move for my husband.

I am watching FOX news this morning and praying for Egypt that the situation there can calm down for the peoples sake.  I hope they can get a government that will treat them right and can still be a friend to the US and Isreal, even if the second friendship is tenuous at best.

Well since it is time to get ready for church I will sign off for ow

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Introducing Myself

I have considered having a blog for some time now.  I am  Cajun woman who runs a cloth diaper company.  We have been in business for 6 years now and some parts are good others are bad.  Being your own boss has it pros and its cons.  Pros you get to decide what to do, cons you know everything has to be done.  I am not sure if I would have started this if I had known what I was getting into.  My business partner is my mom and best friend.  This is the best and worst situation you can be in.  When you are in business with your friends/family it tends to consume all of your quality time.  There are times when I wish we could just be family and friends.  But with things how they are this is how it has to be for now.

On the home front my husband was laid off from his job at the end of October.  Definitively not the hiring season in the oil field!  South LA is suffering from the Oil Moratorium that the Obama administration has put here.  It is choke hold on our economy.  Supposedly the moratorium is over but no new permits have been issued still.  We got another news report that a new rig has left the Gulf this week.  If things keep up the gulf oil economy will be completely devastated over time, I am not sure if that is not the administration's plan to be honest.  At this time my husband is talking to a great company for international work and it looks like he should have a great position soon.  I am the anxious sort so this waiting for a contract is killing me though.  It could be a life changing position for our whole family.

We have had our home on the market off and on for almost a year now.  I had pulled it from the Real Estate agency in October and out of the blue we were contacted us by a family who found our ad on an obscure web site and they signed a contract.  Hope the financing goes well and that we can downsize soon.  This house is way too big for me.  If I had a maid it would be OK but mopping 3200 sq foot is not my favorite pastime!

Hope to update this with good news on one of the fronts soon.  TTYL